
- E-Books can be checked out for a total of 14 days
- Possibility of renewal for another fourteen days
- At the end of the lending period titles will automatically expire
What is Freading?
Freading is an eBook service similar to Overdrive. All you need to access this service is your Jericho library card.
How long can I checkout an eBook? Are there late fees?
Freading eBooks are borrowed for 14 days. You can checkout up to 3 titles per week. Your weekly allotment appears in the upper right hand corner of the home page after you login. There are no late fees.
Why do I have more than 12 checkouts for this week?
Unused checkouts roll over each week until the end of the month. At the end of the month, unused checkouts are removed from your account, except for your original weekly allotment.
Can I renew my eBooks?
Yes! Once the 14 days have expired, you can renew a book by searching for the title again. You can click the download link. Downloading it will renew the eBook for an additional 14 days.
How many eBook titles are available to download?
It changes daily as new titles are always being added. There are many books in different genres.
Can I download these eBooks to my tablet or smartphone? What software or apps do I need?
Yes, for answers to these questions please visit Freading’s FAQ webpage for updated information.
I only downloaded two eBooks, but can’t download anymore. Why not?
A library-wide weekly download limit has also been set. If this limit is reached, you may add the eBooks to your “wish list” to download the following week.
What is my “wish list”?
Your “wish list” is a saved list of eBooks that you may want to download in the future.