
Database Type
2 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | L | M | N | O | P | S | T | U | V | W
Career Cruising

Provides career profiles, along with a list of schools offering specific programs or majors. Resumes from resume building workshops can then be used for current job listings posted directly from

Certification Matters

Check to see if your doctor is board certified by the American Board of Medical Specialities. Unlimited access when used within the library. There is a limit of 25 searches a day when used outside of the library.   

Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports' information is updated frequently, providing reliable data, unbiased information and more than 1,000 ratings, reviews, product comparisons and video clips.


Including coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak, this database curates openly available content related to coronaviruses. It includes thousands of open-access articles from the world’s leading publishers as well as current research from pre-print repositories such as arXiv and will continue to grow and evolve as more is learned about the pandemic. Provided by ProQuest.


Coursera is an online training provider with access to nearly 4,000 programs across high-growth industries and can hone skills in data science, business, and technology. Many of these programs are pathways to certifications, professional certificates and can help elevate your career.

These programs are developed in partnership with top universities around the globe based on current business needs. Provided by a partnership with the New York State Department of Labor at no cost to all New York State residents.

Credo Reference

Encyclopedic reference collection for art, business, history, medicine, and science and technology. Also included are a crossword solver and quotation finder.